Mediacyjna rola modelu planowanego zachowania w wyjaśnianiu prośrodowiskowych zachowań konsumenckich
Dominika Pogorzelec, Oleg Gorbaniuk
Rocznik: 2005 Tom: 11 Numer: 1
Strony: 81-89
This paper explores the problem of the predictors of purchasing proenvironmental products. The research sample consisted of 102 people at different age from the general population. It was assumed that the level of ecological awareness, the feeling of ecological responsibility and the responsibility as a personal trait determine the intention of proenvironmental buying. An analysis of the results reveals that there are five mutually uncorrelated factors which are statistically significant predictors of buying intention: sensitivity to social problems, perceived scale of ecological threat, feeling of unity with the environment, feeling of guilt about the pollution and feeling of shared responsibility for the condition of the environment. The results confirm that the variables included in the model of the theory of planned behavior by Ajzen and Fishbein jointly account for considerable percentage (42%) of buying intention's variance; however, a direct influence of subjective norms on the intention was not found. Mutual connections between the variables of the model and the predictors identified as significant were tested through the path analysis.