Nadużywanie alkoholu przez młodych mężczyzn i młode kobiety – znaczenie czynników temperamentalnych i charakterologicznych

Jan Chodkiewicz
Rocznik: 2010 Tom: 16 Numer: 2
Strony: 181-188
A number of research reveals that temperamental traits may be a risk factor in alcohol dependence. Despite that few studies explore such effects among students overusing alcohol. The research objective was to estimate the relationships among temperamental and dispositional factors in accordance toR. Cloninger and the overuse of alcohol by both female and male students. The group of 278 individuals (156 females and 122 males) completed a battery of instruments such as: My Behaviors Questionnaire by Juczyński and TCI Questionnaire by Cloninger. On the basis of My Behaviors Questionnaire and results of the cluster analysis, three groups with different model of drinking were distinguished. Moreover there were differences among them in risk factors of alcohol dependence. The most important factors for female students overusing alcohol were novelty seeking and avoidance of damages. Additionally the most important factors for male students overusing alcohol were persistence, self-directedness and cooperation.