Nauczanie polskiego języka migowego jako obcego języka: Czy osoby słyszące mogą przyswoić język wizualny?
Piotr Tomaszewski, Tadeusz Gałkowski, Paweł Rosik
Rocznik: 2002 Tom: 8 Numer: 1
Strony: 7-20
The article describes an education to experience concerning Polish Sign Language (PSL) teaching a group of hearing adults. PSL is a visual-spatial language and it presents a very important new alternative to spoken languages; sign language depends so heavily on visual processing. This paper provides a discussion of applying second language techniques to the teaching of PSL. It present how hearing persons who acquire a visual language produce linguistic errors in the learning process related to three areas: [1] phonetic, [2] semantic, and [3] syntactic. This can be essential information for modifying models of human language development. The authors suggest that further studies may be focused on the use of sign language by hearing children. It is a substantial condition for understanding the important issues concerning psychology of language such as: the influence of learning a visual language on the acquisition of Polish and cognitive development of young hearing children.