Normy uzupełnień dla 239 polskich zdań

Marek Nieznański, Eliza Smakuszewska
Rocznik: 2019 Tom: 25 Numer: 2
Strony: 177-186
This article reports completion norms for final words of sentences collected from a group of 92 undergraduate students. Completion responses for 239 sentences were gathered using multiple-production procedure (Schwanenflugel, 1986). For each sentence-context, completions, their frequency of occurrence, measures of response distribution (type- token ratio) and constraint strength are provided. Correlational analyses among various measures are reported and compared with results published for some other languages. Sentence completion norms are a valuable resource for studies in psycholinguistics, cognitive psychology or neuroscience. We provide some examples of experimental studies which used completion norms as a basis for research materials preparation.