O powinnościach – nie tylko metodologicznych – psychologów prowadzących badania naukowe: Profesorowi Janowi Strelauowi na siedemdziesięciolecie
Jerzy Brzeziński
Rocznik: 2001 Tom: 7 Numer: 2
Strony: 127-134
The paper discusses the issue that brings together a three-fold type of responsibilities for psychologists who have linked their professional lives with university and perform there a double role (once defined in Humboldfs vision of university) – responsibilities following from the role of a researcher and those following from the role of a teacher. Both are connected with the role a professor (as a researcher) he is expected to perform for the society. The author briefly presents the three main principles regulating the proceeding of a psychologist in all three roles, with a major emphasis on the ethical aspects connected with executing the task. The seventieth anniversary of a prominent Polish psychologist, Professor Jan Strelau, is a particularly opportune occasion to take on these fundamental matters.