O roli myślenia w regulacji reakcji automatycznych (dane dotyczące przejawów spójnego z przemyśleniami dekodowania utajonych słów)

Maria Jarymowicz
Rocznik: 2008 Tom: 14 Numer: 2
Strony: 187-199
It is worthy to distinguish between two types of automatic regulation: 1) – based on primary unconscious mechanisms and 2) based on accumulation of deliberative knowledge. The latter allow to have an indirect influence on one’s own automatic reactions. This important assumption requires empirical exploration. The article presents results of three studies showing that reactions following subliminal expositions of different words (self-related vs.not related, affective vs. neutral ones) are coherent with functioning related to articulated meaning of the same words. It implies that automatic reactions to unconscious stimulation are due to previous conscious information processing.