Odczuwanie strat zasobowych a nasilenie stresu posttraumatycznego u żołnierzy na misjach wojskowych

Kamil Chibowski
Rocznik: 2018 Tom: 24 Numer: 2
Strony: 325-334
Political conflicts and contradictory interests of states all over the world increase the need to have an army and take care of its development. This need is not limited to those involved in open conflicts such as Afghanistan or Iraq; it also includes European countries who are actively seeking to promote their sphere of influence on the international scene. The purpose of the research included in the article was to answer the question: Does the feeling of resource losses correlate significantly with the high posttraumatic stress symptoms in soldiers after returning from military missions? The answer to the above question was made using the following research methods: questionnaireConservation of Resources Evaluation (COR-E) and Impact Event Scale – Revised (IES-R). The research group was composed of soldiers who were on missions abroad for more than six months. The obtained results showed that there are significant relationships between loss of resources and intensity of posttraumatic stress in the examined group. Clear correlations between variables are also perceptible in the subscales. Interpreted results can be the basis for further research and contribute to the development of specific prevention and support measures.