Płeć a przyjmowanie perspektywy partnera małżeńskiego w dokonywaniu decyzji życiowo doniosłej

Marzena Ożarowska, Wojciech Ożarowski
Rocznik: 2001 Tom: 7 Numer: 1
Strony: 103-110
The study has confirmed the hypothesis predicting that gender differences between husbands' and wives' may influence the perspective taking in decision making. 90 married couples in 3 periods of marital life were interweaved. Their abilities of spouse's perspective taking from 3 different perspectives (1. simple, 2. meta, 3. meta-meta perspective) were measured. The results show that generally women have higher level of empathy, especially it concern to such parts of decisional process as sort of information used. Instead men demonstrate higher level of taking into account for negative consequences – also their decision and decision of theirs spouses.