Pojęcie czynności odnalezione: w przebraniu, między wierszami, w domyśle, na marginesie ...

Maria Materska
Rocznik: 2015 Tom: 21 Numer: 1
Strony: 39-43
The theory of action published more than 50 years ago plays an inspiring and ordering role in some areas of psychological research to this day. Hundreds of posts can be found online containing its summaries, selected excerpts, and other materials suggesting that it is doing quite well, domestically. Internationally, it is barely recognized, like many other theories of “its age”. It never established itself in the world, but on the other hand it was never completely pushed to the sidelines. This is because it is a part of psychology, a discipline with a varied structure and thus different paces of development of its different fi elds. The grounds for this opinion are presented in the paper.