Potrzeba stymulacji a funkcjonowanie uwagi wzrokowej

Zofia Wodniecka
Rocznik: 1999 Tom: 5 Numer: 2
Strony: 165-176
The study was designed to test a theoretical prediction that extroverts and sensation seekers demonstrate better functioning in a visual selective attention task, as compared to introverts and people characterized by low sensation seeking tendency. Such a difference should be particularly visible if an attention task is demanding in terms of its complexity and speed of stimuli presentation. In order to test this prediction, 100 high school participants, differing in sensation seeking and extroversion, were given a difficult version of the selective attention task. Results did not clearly confirm the predictions, because there were no differences between the groups differing in personality in reference to intentional functioning. However, interesting results emerged when the IQ was taken into account. Intelligent introverts committed fewer errors in the attention task than less intelligent introverts. As to extroverts, there were no differences associated with intelligence level.