    [id] => 276
    [date] => 2019-01-03
    [doi] => 
    [title] => Preferencje mężczyzn i kobiet związane z wyborem partnera w świetle analiz ogłoszeń matrymonialnych
    [authors] => Bogdan Wojciszke, Wiesław Baryła, Anna Downar
    [abstract] => 

In Study One we analysed over 700 matrimonial ads authored both by men and women. Using the evolutionary theory, we predicted and found that men looked more frequently for physical attractiveness than material resources in their potential partners whereas the opposite was true of women. Physical attractiveness was more frequently required by men than women, the opposite was true of the resources. A complementary pattern was found for the qualities offered by men and women in their ads. In Study Two, we published an ad varying its content according to a 2 (sex of the sender) × 2 (offered qualities: ideally feminine vs. ideally masculine) × 2 (information about the sender's children: two children vs. none) formula? A frequency analysis of responses to the ads showed that respondents of both sexes avoided children of the potential partner; additionally, women avoided also feminine qualities in men. The results were discussed in terms of the plasticity of evolutionary-based heterosexual preferences.

[abstract_en] =>

In Study One we analysed over 700 matrimonial ads authored both by men and women. Using the evolutionary theory, we predicted and found that men looked more frequently for physical attractiveness than material resources in their potential partners whereas the opposite was true of women. Physical attractiveness was more frequently required by men than women, the opposite was true of the resources. A complementary pattern was found for the qualities offered by men and women in their ads. In Study Two, we published an ad varying its content according to a 2 (sex of the sender) × 2 (offered qualities: ideally feminine vs. ideally masculine) × 2 (information about the sender's children: two children vs. none) formula? A frequency analysis of responses to the ads showed that respondents of both sexes avoided children of the potential partner; additionally, women avoided also feminine qualities in men. The results were discussed in terms of the plasticity of evolutionary-based heterosexual preferences.

[keywords] => heterosexuality, matrimonial preferences, matrimonial ADS [keywords_en] => heterosexuality, matrimonial preferences, matrimonial ADS [file_path] => /files/articles/2002-8-preferencje-mczyzn-i-kobiet-zwizane-z-wyborem-partnera-w-wietle-analiz-ogosze-matrymonialnych.pdf [okladka] => psychologia_spoleczna.jpg [rocznik] => Rocznik: 2002 Tom: 8 Numer: 1 [strony] => 113-120 )

Preferencje mężczyzn i kobiet związane z wyborem partnera w świetle analiz ogłoszeń matrymonialnych


Bogdan Wojciszke, Wiesław Baryła, Anna Downar


Rocznik: 2002 Tom: 8 Numer: 1
Strony: 113-120

In Study One we analysed over 700 matrimonial ads authored both by men and women. Using the evolutionary theory, we predicted and found that men looked more frequently for physical attractiveness than material resources in their potential partners whereas the opposite was true of women. Physical attractiveness was more frequently required by men than women, the opposite was true of the resources. A complementary pattern was found for the qualities offered by men and women in their ads. In Study Two, we published an ad varying its content according to a 2 (sex of the sender) × 2 (offered qualities: ideally feminine vs. ideally masculine) × 2 (information about the sender's children: two children vs. none) formula? A frequency analysis of responses to the ads showed that respondents of both sexes avoided children of the potential partner; additionally, women avoided also feminine qualities in men. The results were discussed in terms of the plasticity of evolutionary-based heterosexual preferences.

heterosexuality, matrimonial preferences, matrimonial ADS