Preferencje wartości w mapowaniu kariery zawodowej w przestrzeni społecznej

Aleksander Hauziński
Rocznik: 2015 Tom: 21 Numer: 1
Strony: 81-96
This study presents the results of basic value orientations among young adults who are in the process of transition from vocational education to work. The research utilized the Portrait Values Questionnaire (PVQ) by Schwartz as well as certain assumptions of his theory, which is currently one of the most academically and empirically grounded theories of values. Values as the basic orientations underline and infl uence individual variations of motivations, attitudes and actions. The research was carried out on a total sample of 366 graduating students. The results show the value structure difference in the present situation of the subjects and in the future situation related to a declared country of emigration.