Przedziałowość a wybrane właściwości funkcjonowania edukacyjno-zawodowego ludzi młodych
Elżbieta Turska
Rocznik: 2017 Tom: 23 Numer: 2
Strony: 359-365
The article presents the research which aim was to recognize the role of the activity style within Wieczorkowska`s concept (1992) in educational and professional behavior of young people before entering the labor market. It was assumed that interval-style people prepared for entering the labor market in a significantly different way than point-style people. The capacities of professional goals and a gathered career capital (i.e. educational, job experiences, entrepreneurship and linguistic capitals) were examined and analyzed. The predicted ways of further job functioning included the easiness of entering the labor market, the acceptance of work incompatible with the field and level of studies and the opportunity to succeed in a future career were compared.