Rozbieżność między temperamentem rzeczywistym a oczekiwanym dziecka upośledzonego umysłowo i jej związek z sytuacją stresową matki

Żaneta Stelter, Instytut Psychologii, Jan Strelau, Adam Sobolewski
Rocznik: 2002 Tom: 8 Numer: 2
Strony: 155–162
A special link between the mother and the child makes the process of raising the mentally handicapped child a traumatic experience for its mother. Accepting the mentally handicapped child by its mother is of great importance to her living situation. The value, child- mother relation is considerably influenced by the child's personality factors, among which its temperament is of great significance. The relationship between the stressful situation of the mother of the mentally handicapped child and the divergences between the real and expected child's temperament were the subject of the research. The obtained results have shown that the child's temperament either reduces or increases the mother's stress. More specifically, when the child's temperament differs from the mother's expectations, she is open to stress. A significant stress determinant of a mentally handicapped child's mother is a situation when child is either more sociable or shyer and less active than his mother expected it to be in different life situations.