Stałość percepcji, analogia i odkrycie naukowe

Andrzej Falkowski
Rocznik: 1999 Tom: 5 Numer: 1
Strony: 77-89
The paper discusses the historical approach to the growth of scientific knowledge in the perspective of cognitive psychology. It shows how to use research on perception, categorization and analogy to analyze the historically oriented philosophy of science. Therefore, an interpretation of ecological notions, such as meaningful environment, affordances, and invariants under transformation, has been carried out in the theory of growth of knowledge. It is known from research into ecological psychology that in some environments the similarity between perceptual objects or the analogy between complex events allowing problems to be solved is perceived while in others it is not. Consequently, research on the growth of scientific knowledge in the ecological context would allow us to reveal those properties of the environment which facilitate or prevent the process of perceiving the similarities constituting a substantial part of scientific discovery.