Struktura kluczowych pojęć rynku pracy u młodzieży wchodzącej na ten rynek

Bohdan Rożnowski
Rocznik: 2010 Tom: 16 Numer: 1
Strony: 129-144
Psychologist underline that the same thing is perceived by other person in dissimilar way for the different cognitive structure of concepts which they have (Bruner, 1978; Nosofsky, 1986; Falkowski, 1995). The article is focused on analyze of cognitive structure of cognitive representation (concepts) among different group of youth transiting from school to work. The research was made on the sample of 5454 subjects – students of each types of school post high school education in Poland and students. All Subjects were finishing school education and were close to leave school. The Multidimensional Scaling Analysis was used, the library of MINISSA and PINDIS. The number of dimension and featnig coefficients shows the complexity and integration of concepts on labor market. Mutual concepts are simple structure – low number of dimension and acceptable coefficient of alienation (G-L A). The structure discovered in the research shows the important role of importance and (self-) controlling of situation as main dimensions structuring the labor market concepts. Student from vocational education use more complex structures than general education.