Strukturalne aspekty myślenia politycznego. Prezentacja koncepcji i metody badawczej Shawna Rosenberga na przykładzie danych z badania polskich polityków
Agnieszka Golec
Rocznik: 2001 Tom: 7 Numer: 1
The present study was conducted among 46 high (MP) and mid-level (party members) Polish politicians whose modes of political thinking were described in terms of levels of development of political thought proposed by Rosenberg (1988). The levels of development were assessed by means of content-analysis of structured interviews on political dilemmas. The results indicate that less developmentally advanced, limited, and simplified perception of political reality prevailed in this group. The more advanced levels of development of political thinking were found rarely, only in the oldest age group (48-69), and more often among high-level than mid-level politicians. There was no significant difference between members of governing coalition and oppositionists with respect to the levels' distribution.