Styl przywiązywania a zachowania wiążące

Alicja Kuczyńska
Rocznik: 2001 Tom: 7 Numer: 1
Strony: 7-15
It was presumed on the basis of Bowlby's theory that attachment style of persons creating a couple will effect the frequency of presenting bonding behaviors and their emotional perception in the intimate relationships. As a result of this assumption the main goal of the paper was to test the formulated hypotheses. Taking into account the results of research on bonding behavior there was also an attempt to answer the question whether subjective feeling of being threatened is the only factor causing bonding behavior. In the ex post facto research more than 220 couples were participating. The results of research verified the presumed hypothesis with regard to frequency and emotional perception of bonding behavior by people who were characterized by various style of attachment. The research results also proved that subjective feeling of being threatened is not the only factor releasing bonding behavior and determining the way of their perception.