Styl radzenia sobie ze stresem: fakty i kontrowersje

Irena Heszen-Niejodek
Rocznik: 1997 Tom: 3 Numer: 1
Strony: 7-22
Early stress research focused on the situational determinants of coping behavior, overlooking individual differences among people. In the article, the interactional approach is suggested to the description and explanation of coping with stress. It is presumed that coping behavior, as other forms of purposeful human behavior, depends on interaction between situational and individual factors. From among individual factors, coping style is selected as a dispositional variable which indirectly determines coping behavior. Coping style is defined as a repertoire of strategies available to cope with stressful encounter, specific for an individual. A "trait-state" distinction is made between coping style as a disposition and actual coping behavior – a process composed of activated coping strategies. The attitude towards information concerning the stressful event is assumed to be the basic property of the individual coping style. Two studies on coping with somatic illness, made by the author and her team, are presented as examples of applying the interactional approach in research on coping with stress. The results have confirmed superiority of the interactional approach, comparing with the approach including only situational factor, in the explanation of coping behavior.