Wzorce przeżywania poczucia krzywdy a sprawca krzywdy i wybaczanie

Eufrozyna Gruszecka
Rocznik: 1999 Tom: 5 Numer: 4
Strony: 355-367
The article gives an account of the data of the research aimed at (1) explaining the origin, dynamic of feeling being harmed and determinants of forgiving harm, (2) describing the patterns of experiencing harm (3) ascertaining how the relationships between the victim and the perpetrator weigh with the way of transforming and forgiving harm. 180 adults were asked to describe (by way of answering 40 questionnaire questions) a harm from their past caused either by parents or a partner or a principal. The questions were to measure (especially) the cognitive, emotional and behavioural responses to the harmful experience. The results suggest that the patterns of experiencing harm are connected with the type of "wrongdoer". The patterns of experiencing harm are quite similar to each other in the case of harm caused by a parent or a partner. The results suggest that forgiving harm depends on the way of transforming rather than feature of harmful experience, especially on the attribution of causality, emotional response to the harm, the type of compensation for it and the way of coping. Forgiving harm is connected with the kind of perpetrator and depends on his behaviour after having caused the harm as well.