Znaczenie doświadczanych emocji dla rozwiązywania zadań problemowych przez makiawelistów

Romuald Derbis, Tomasz Wirga
Rocznik: 2017 Tom: 23 Numer: 2
Strony: 10.14691/CPPJ.23.2.38
The study shows that there is a connection between machiavellism and the way of solving problem tasks in the situation when selected emotions are inducted. The results also show that people with a high level of machiavellism are characterized by stop self-control (DeBoer, B., Van Hooft, E., Bakker, A., 2011) and that induction of emotions among these people doesn’t have the same connection with the way of solving problem tasks as among people with low level of machiavellism. Additionally, the results show that people with high level of machiavellism don’t trust other people and are competitive.