Zrównoważony rozwój w przedsiębiorstwach ekonomii komunii. Ekologiczny wymiar pracy i zarządzania w biznesie

Stanisław Grochmal
Rocznik: 2017 Tom: 23 Numer: 2
Strony: 319-325
The article presents an ecological aspect of the paradigm of unity in relation to the human work in the economy of communion enterprises, realizing this paradigm in management. The work in these companies in the anthropological, ergonomic, economic and spiritual dimension and particularly the ecological aspect of human labor are described. Attention was paid to the model of the community ecology and the attitude of the oblative anthropocentrism (ital. antropocentrismo oblativo). The convergence of the ecological principles of the paradigm of unity with the encyclical Laudato si’ of Pope Francis is shown. The conditions of the implementation of sustainable development in the holistic-ecological terms in the economy of communion businesses in resolving of the business – environment conflict is also specified. Based on the analysis of the ecological conditions in the relationship of man and the environment it is concluded that an indispensable condition of an authentic ecology is a combination of concern for the environment with genuine love for man and with continuous involvement in the resolution of problems of society.